کد خبر: ۳۳۰۸۵۴
تاریخ انتشار: ۱۴:۲۹ - ۱۴ مهر ۱۳۹۴
According to Khabar Khodro, the CEO of Yazd Tire mentioned to the importance of efficiency in production and said, “If manufacturers and craftsmen pay attention to efficiency we could see decrease in prices of local vehicles.”

Productivity is a lost issue in Iran industry and an important factor in decreasing prices

According to Khabar Khodro, the CEO of Yazd Tire mentioned to the importance of efficiency in production and said, “If manufacturers and craftsmen pay attention to efficiency we could see decrease in prices of local vehicles.”

Dr. Sotoude in an interview with Khabar Khodro’s reporter told, “Efficiency is the efficient use of resources, which include different factors that would have effect on decreasing prices.”

He mentioned to automation of equipment as a factor of efficiency and added, “This factor would increase production and quality along with decreasing the workers error, so it should be taken seriously.”

He admitted, “Training employees in production line would increase power and science of human forces and efficiency in this segment along with increasing quality of production.”

He remarked, “Today, manufacturers should move in a way that production line continuously improves and results in increasing efficiency.”

He also mentioned that ordering machines is another way of efficiency and reiterated, “Today, any move that would not increase efficiency is waste of human forces, decrease of efficiency and would result in increasing prices. So, accurate ordering of production machines is so important.”

Sotoude remarked, “Using techniques and ways of pure production is another factor in improving efficiency.”

“Improvement in technology is another important and effective factor and if a manufacturer buys a technology and wants to use it for a long time, it should be improved continuously in order to stay in competition.”

He admitted, “Today it is not possible to have competitive production with technology of 20 years ago. Therefore, improving technology and updating it should be done continuously.”

He remarked that satisfied customer is the most important advertiser for manufacturers and added, “It’s the customer that brings next customer for manufacturer and basically he is the advertiser of products.”

He said, “We should accept that traditional approaches should be moved away and we should try to efficient factors in order to make benefit for manufacturer with increasing production costs.”


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