کد خبر: ۳۱۱۴۱۸
تاریخ انتشار: ۱۲:۳۴ - ۲۶ خرداد ۱۳۹۴

As a manufacturer we only owe to costumers

According to Khabar Khodro, the CEO of Iran Khodro Industrial Group said, "As a manufacturer we only owe to costumers and no one else."

According to the reporter of Khabar Khodro, Hashem Yeke Zare' in fourth expert meeting of auto industry told, "Be sure that as automakers we are not owed to professors, representatives and no political person. We only owe to costumers and if professors or representatives are our customers or stating costumers' ideas we appreciate them but if there is going to make some decisions by them for auto industry and force us to do them, nothing would be remained as automakers."

He added, "We certainly know that there are some problems in rolling out products but this is not an event occurring in one or two years and it needs at least 12 years."

He remarked, "Today there are problems in many sectors of the country that government is dealt with and the only problem is not the quality of a vehicle like Pride. Many of our products have low quality while auto industry is faced politically."

He admitted, "Issues should done and thought more scientifically and administratively."

He mentioned to the criticisms about high amount of tariff of importing cars and reiterated, "Which country has zero tariffs for importing cars? Although there are some countries that came together as an alliance and offer 5 to 10 percent tariff for importing cars but in countries without such alliance the amount of tariffs are high."

He mentioned to the report of comparing prices of vehicles in Iran and Europe and added, "We offer to those saying that prices of cars in Iran are higher than Europe to be more honest. It is not true to announce the price of a car in Germany before numbering, tolls and other costs while announcing the price of a car in Iran after VAT, insurance and other things."

Yeke Zare' told, "If we care about auto industry and in whole the industry of country, we should come together and chose a solution for improving conditions."


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طراحی و تولید: "ایران سامانه"