کد خبر: ۱۵۲۳۳۳
تاریخ انتشار: ۰۹:۴۲ - ۰۲ مرداد ۱۳۹۰
Company Brilliance, inexplicably canceled at the last minute presentation at the International Exhibition of Shanghai’s first-ever crossover brand, recently “lit up” A3 car during the final stage of the running tests.

Chinese twin BMW X1 is ready for debut

Company Brilliance, inexplicably canceled at the last minute presentation at the International Exhibition of Shanghai’s first-ever crossover brand, recently “lit up” A3 car during the final stage of the running tests.

According to KHABAR KHODRO, The new compact “SUV” from China is almost an exact copy of crossover BMW X1, which, incidentally, is not surprising, since the Bavarian concern, as an official partner of Brilliance, a Chinese company helped to develop the car. In the course of exploring the “SUV” Paparazzi do not hesitate to take this opportunity to get acquainted with the design of the cabin, where the modern form made out center console, trendy “wells” dashboard and gears, made in the style of “poker” Transmission Volkswagen DSG.

The choice of gasoline engines is not rich Brilliance A3: 1.6-liter capacity 118 hp and torque of 151 Nm and 136-hp turbo 1.5-liter and 200 Nm of torque. Brilliance A3, built on one platform with a sedan 530, will be made in two wheel drive performance and all wheel drive system.

In the Chinese market value “of the Chinese BMW X1″ will be approximately $ 21 thousand car Will be delivered to Russia – not yet reported. Note that two years ago planned to build a brand Brilliance in the country a joint venture with iritis, but these plans were not realized.

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